What A Week!
But we had a good day, took some silly pictures, I got to watch the Cockers at the Royal - Yippee & Well Done to Anne for her domination of the English Cockers..... Well done to Liz on her wins in the Yanky's although it was pretty pathetic the number that were there... Yes OK so I contributed to that by not entering, but with everything else that had been going on here leading up to the entries closing - and at what was it - $23 an entry or something - I just figured it would probably be a waste of about $80 by the time I bought a catalogue when I probably wasn't going to make it there anyway. Will be looking forward to hearing the results and I have my fingers crossed for my favourites.
Other than that the week was just a blur of appointments and disappointments. Nothing that won't pass, but just seems to be the way of things at the moment. I need a holiday.
OH well no actually there was one other interesting development for me personally. I guess the store that would qualify as my Local Scrapbooking Store (hereafter to be referred to as my LSS since I'll be endeavouring to encourage them to stock more stuff!) has one of my albums on display and Kerry has asked me to do a demonstration on Wednesday of next week and also to do some classes! I'm so excited/nervous/stunned but I'm warming to the idea. I have a few ideas of things to do and have my demo LO ready to go. So I think it will be OK. God I hope it will be OK LOL. I think above all else I'm looking forward to the challenge. Lately life has been pretty dormant and I think this will be great to get me back on track again. Anyway - wish me luck!
We are off to a dog show tomorrow so I better get off here and start making some preparations.
Have a great weekend everyone.