Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy 2011

LOL and already I am having issues with the year. My title started off at Happy 2001... oops... being back at work should be interesting.

Well the New Year started in the nicest possible way - snuggled up with my gorgeous man on the couch watching a movie. There is nowhere else I would rather be.

Today I signed up - well actually WE signed up - for a bit of a photography challenge. It's one designed to take a photo every day for the next year and post it on a website. Mine will be at and Shane's at In all honesty I doubt I'll manage to do a photo a day - but if nothing else it will prompt me to take more photos of daily life and hopefully get me into the habit of reaching for the camera more often.

Some won't make it to the website, so I thought I would upload the rest here. Heck even more blogging will be an offshoot.


Blogger Melissa said...

You better make an effort Pretzel, or else I will kick your A$$..hehe.Come on you don't have to upload every day, but just go and click a piccy..take the camera to work with might see something on the way to photograph

9:57 pm  

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