Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Monday

Things are going really well with the new job I am happy to say. There is a combination of a sense of acheiving something coupled with a bit of fun and a fair amount of respect. A pretty nice combination I think. I actually felt today that I was making a contribution and on target with some of the things we were trying to achieve. Maybe it's taken this long to get a feel for everything. But whatever it was, it was a nice feeling and I am proud to be working alongside someone I respect.

I was also really impressed with a CD I brought home this evening - some new music Shane created this weekend - one particular track I really like - you can download it here and since I don't have a name for it I've nicknamed it Track 1 Soundtrack

A few interesting plans in the wings at the moment. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out. Hopefully most of it will just simply make life easier all round. That age old saying though - time will tell............................

A bit of grief last night to receive a call from my dear friend Wendy from her hospital bed no less. I am relieved though darling that you are ok and that man of yours had better take REALLY GOOD CARE of you when you get home - or he'll have me to answer to...... Ricky!!!!!!! LOL

Only 3 more days until I can share with you life's most embarrassing moment so far..... stay tuned.


Blogger Melissa said...

Fingers crossed that your dreams come true Maree.....and really soon too.

10:24 pm  

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